Ready For Spring?

I think spring may actually be here to stay this time. Around these parts, we often get what the older generation call “Blackberry Spring,” which is an early warming followed by another dose of winter. Why Blackberry Spring? I don’t know. It’s a thing.

But in the meantime, it’s time to get ready to plant. Spring is in the air. Literally. The pollen is everywhere, covering everything in a yellow haze.

But if you’d like to bring springtime into your home without the pollen, and if you like candles, check out the Spring Collection from Mythologie Candles. I love these candles, with their unique scents inspired by fantasy. I haven’t yet chosen my springtime favorite, but I’m leaning toward I Dream In Lavender.

And don’t forget L’Bri Pure and Natural! It’s a new month with new sales and specials. This month features their Facial Mask, a Clarifying Clay Mask, and several other must haves. I love the Facial Mask. And don’t forget, most of their skincare products contain Aloe Vera!

So check it out and find your favorites!

In the meantime, have a lovely Springtime in April.

And remember,

Always Appreciate the Beauty Which Surrounds You

April is Right Around the Corner

Yes, it’s that time of year again. Spring is beginning to show herself in the woods around here. Tiny flowers are making an appearance, leaves beginning to test the air. The Carolina Jasmine hasn’t bloomed yet, so I’m hesitant to say it’s planting time outside.

And of course, I’m stuck in the house on light duty while I recover from surgery. I hope my doctor will have a good report later this week and I can start getting back into the swing of things. All right… I take it slowly.

In the meantime, let’s all enjoy the beauty of spring. I know there will be more rainy days, but we need those to bring all the little growing things out of the ground. Just like in life, you need a few little problems along the way to help you understand more fully the wonderful times.

Speaking of wonderful times, today marks the 48th anniversary of being married to a most wonderful man. It doesn’t seem like it could possible have been that long ago.

Have a wonderful week and remember,

Appreciate the beauty which surrounds you.

User comments

Ready For a Break?

If you are, come with me to a Japanese spa, or maybe a hot spring. Feel that wonderful mineral water as you soak and relax, letting your cares drift away.

All right, I know. You’re like me and can’f afford the journey.

But you can help set the mood in your own bath with a new candle from Mythologie Candles. Inspired by Fantasy, their candles offer unique scents reminiscent of myths and legends. The new Onsen Bundle captures the feeling of the Japanese spa.

Not ready for the spa?

How about St. Patrick’s Day? The new St. Paddy’s Day candles are ready! You can choose the Angry Leprechaun or Emerald Isle. Or take them both in the St. Patrick’s Day Bundle!

Not sure what you’re in the mood for? Just go on over and shop! Since I’ve discovered these candles, they have become my favorite scents. I particularly like the Camelot candles, The Blacksmith, and Dwarven Forge. But I’m dying to try the Onsen candles.

Go on over and, once you’ve experienced them, drop me a comment and share your favorite!

In the meantime, don’t forget self-care is not an option. It is a necessity. Do something good for yourself.

Now go out and spread a little sunshine with your smile.

‘Cuz everyone could use a little sunshine.

On a Completely Different Note…

Do you love to earn money back on your purchases? I know I do. And between grocery shopping and pet food shopping, plus all the stuff my husband finds at Amazon, I like to save everywhere I can.

Which is why I’m writing to you today!

Our daughter recently introduced me to the Fetch App. And even I can figure it out! Once you install the app, you just use their camera option to snap your receipts, submit them, and earn points towards awards, including gift cards.

If you’d like to give it a try, just go to Fetch and install the app. Then snap your first receipt, using the code T7ATCA. That way they’ll know I invited you.

And start earning some of your money back.

Fetch was also recommended in the latest AARP magazine we get, so I felt it to be a safe thing to try.

So go out and snap those receipts!

And have a wonderful, happy, and safe weekend!

The Answer is Never Simple

As an author, I usually right fiction. Paranormal fantasy romance, to be precise.

But once in a while I feel I need to address issues in the world around me, instead of one I’ve created. And this is one of those times.

Roe vs. Wade.

It was controversial in the ’70’s, and it is no less controversial now. And the answers are never simple. I’ve thought a lot about this, both then and now.

To that end, I decided to write an article on the subject and give my opinions on this matter. Rather than post it here, I chose to go over to VocalMedia.

To read what I have to say, check out my articles, my musings, at VocalMedia. This links straight to the article on Roe vs, Wade.

For other musing of mine, go to my VocalMedia profile page. Some are more serious, some are whimsical, and some are reflective.

Want to check out my fantasy romance?

Go over to for articles, excerpts, and links!

Have a great July 4th, to all of you in the USA!

A piu tardi,


Life Choices. What is the Answer?

Summer is Here

Memorial Day weekend definitely signals the arrival of summer, whether Mother Nature agrees or not. Of course, our daytime temperatures have been in the 80’s this week, even if the nights have been chilly.

But with the arrival of summer, we’re spending more time outside around the pool, having BBQ’s, walking and hiking. And that means sunburn, unless we take some precautions.

I don’t know which products you use, but if you’re looking for something a little more natural, I would recommend the L’Bri products. By replacing the alcohol in their skincare line with aloe vera gel, they’ve increased their moisturizing ability. As well as having a full set of skin care and body care products, they have a wonderful sunscreen and a moisturizer with sunscreen which work wonderfully.

Their lotions, body butters, and body wash are available in several different scents, or you can get them fragrance free.

A friend of mine from high school introduced me to these products several years ago and I fell in love with them. I particularly like the body butter, the rejuvenating foot cream, and the aloe vera gel.

They also have hair care products for you.

Want a new look for summer?

They also have a complete line of makeup on offer!

So go into summer with confidence and pamper your skin.

Check out L’Bri Pure and Natural products today!

On Saying Goodbye

Why is it so hard to say goodbye?

Fogg, one of the kitties we’ve had for twelve years, passed away Sunday night after a brief illness. He seemed fine, then was off his food for a little bit, and then just gave up and crossed over. As hard as it can be, sometimes we have to say goodbye.

But on the same weekend, we had another arrival–a little eight week old puppy who is just starting out. We don’t have a name for him yet, but he is a cute little thing.

And so in the cycle of life, there are beginnings and endings. One life gives way to another and the cycle continues on.

Mr. Fogg, we will miss you so very much. The front porch where you liked to sun in the afternoon seems much emptier without your presence there. And I miss the little chirp of a sound you made when you said hello.

Little pup, whatever your name will be, you liven up the household with your sunny, happy personality.

In the meantime, I will get back to more regular posts, and back into Gregor Thayne. If I turne my back on him and Caela for too long, there is no telling what they’ll get up to.

Wishing you a wonderful week,


I Have a Question

From what I have seen in this world, there are a lot of things we can’t explain. Things which seem to defy logic and science.

Coming from a family which converted to a rather fundamentalist approach to life, our leaders taught that most of those things were evil spirits–demons if you like–trying to pull us away from God. And giving them any thought was only inviting evil into your life.

Now, my family has had what we would call psychics today in several generations. On both sides of the family. Some of them have prophetic dreams. Some see things others don’t. Some can feel energy and use their ability to help heal those around them. Some combine all of the above.

Our church leaders told us these were all evil and from the demons.

They also included anything which might possibly deal with astrology, like my grandfather planting his garden according to the moon. Getting ready to plant the garden this year is what sent me down this path today. My grandfather’s practice of watching the moon to plant was considered heretical by our church.

Since that time, science has discovered that energy can be felt and sent from one person to another, such as energy healers do. I don’t know if that church has accepted it, but I’ve seen it done. And my parents were a bit skeptical of the teaching. My father confided to a friend that the people in his family who claimed to have seen things weren’t lying. They were honest, hardworking, God-fearing people. And if they said they’d seen something, they probably did see it.

Could he explain it?


Could those who witnessed it explain it?


Does this mean it didn’t happen?

Again, no.

In this generation, there are people in the family with similar abilities, and I’ve seen them work to help people. I’ve seen prophetic dreams come true, and because of the warning, a dangerous situation was avoided.

Is it magic?


Or something else entirely?

Much of what we take for granted today would have been considered magic to someone from two or three hundred years ago, let alone in the Middle Ages. We would all have been put to death as witches with our modern conveniences. Imagine showing up in medieval Europe with a mobile phone. Yes, I know you wouldn’t have signal, but I think the stored pictures would be enough.

What is magic except something we witness but can’t explain?

Things paranormal fit into this category. Imagine hearing voices in your front room and finding there is nobody there. Or hearing children whisper in the night, only there are no children in the house. Voices which fade away when you ask them to be quiet so you can sleep.

Or what about the sweet scent of the perfume your favorite aunt wore, the one who’s been dead for forty years? A swirl of scent coming into the room, lingering for a moment, and then gone without a trace?

Magic? Not sure how.

Witchcraft? Only if one is actively embracing the practice.

Or something else entirely? Something we don’t understand, can’t explain, but witness?

I’ll let you decide. But I will not quickly condemn someone as consorting with demons and evil spirits simply because they see, hear, or smell something I can’t sense. And I would hope you do the same.

What is magic?

Feel free to share your thoughts.

And have a wonderful, happy weekend!

It Has Been A While

And it has been quite a time.

Earlier last year, I managed to pull the muscles and tendons in my foot and calf. There went my nice long walks for a while. But with summer coming on, things got busy.

Then came autumn, with multiple weddings and birthdays, along with the bridal showers, and all that goes with a garden wedding.

So, things were healing up nicely until my husband and I went to lunch. As my foot hit something in the parking lot of the restaurant, my still weak right leg couldn’t recovery sufficiently to keep me from falling.

And fracturing my right patella.

Two months later, just before Christmas, my doctor finally decided everything was healed enough to resume normal activities. But in the meantime, sitting for any length of time was painful, walking wasn’t fun, and the stairs were killer.

I’ve also recently had surgery for cataracts, so my time on the computer has been shortened, since it kind of makes my eyes tired.

Turns out all that research on stress helped me out!

I know. I’m a klutz. But funny!

So this has been my world lately. But I’m recovering nicely from all of the above, doing weight training and stretching to get those muscles back in shape. And watching my diet.

I hope to be back on a more regular schedule soon, so stay tuned!

And if you like to read, head over to my author web for news on my books:

See you soon! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

It’s Father’s Day

Of course, it’s raining here in Georgia, so I think the barbecue is off for the afternoon. But at least my guy made it home for the weekend. We can cook indoors and watch a movie with the cats. They are, of course, pointedly ignoring him for being gone.

What are some of your favorite memories of your father? My dad died over ten years ago at the age of 93. When I was growing up, we lived on a farm in Ohio, so summer was always a busy time. But come winter, times were a little slack, so we went for walks in the woods, cut and split firewood, and he talked about growing up in the early 1900’s on a farm in Tennessee.

Thanksgiving was one of my favorite times. He and I would get up early and go pheasant hunting. The air was crisp and cold, with snow on the ground crunching under our feet. We hardly ever actually shot anything, but we had some good slolid father and daughter time, for about three hours. Coming home to a nice warm fire was always wonderful, thawing out cold fingers and toes and sipping hot coffee laced with something tasty.

Hope you’re all having a wonderful Father’s Day. Feel free to share your memories with me. Give that guy a hug while you have him here. You never know when his time on earth will be over.

Looking for something to read later in the week?

Check out one of my series on Amazon!

And as always,

Stay healthy, Stay happy!